Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Favorite Fictional Hero.

My favorite fictional hero would have to be Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye by J.D.
Salinger. Holden is one of my absolute favorite, not only hero, but fictional characters. After being kicked out of Pencey Prep, his college prep school in Pennsylvania, Holden sets out to New York City. From there, Holden sets on not-so-adventures adventures and discovers many things about life and people.

Now, I know that every teenager who reads this book says, "Oh my Jebus! I'M HOLDEN CAULFIELD!" and I, am no exception, except maybe the female version. He is a strong, non b.s.-ing type of person; he sees the phony in everything and can be quick to call it out. As most, he is also a big of a teenager angst and wants to be on his own. As you read on, you either feel completely compelled and related to Holden or you feel completely disgusted by him. Holden discovers part of him and learns many valuable lessons in life that have helped me learn more about who I am.

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