Monday, September 28, 2009

S.L.O.B. Weekend

As I opened my drowsy, crusty eyes, I cringed, expecting the sun beaming directly onto my pale body, but the sun wasn't even out yet. It was a cold, foggy Saturday morning and I had to peel out of bed just to help out around the house and make honey with August. Dreading to face June, I crept towards the kitchen, avoiding to make much contact with the cold floor as possible. I entered and found August, June and Rosaline all participating in doing their part around the kitchen. June ignored me, decided what to make for breakfast and dinner with May while Rosaline tried to clean the best she could. Resistant, I started doing my part and joined in conversation.

After I washed my sticky hands I decided to go on a little "adventure" and explore the area. The leaves outside dripped with the water from on and off sprinkles all day and I struggled to not slip on any grass or get my shoes in any type of mud. After what seemed like I had walked forever, I came across a small creek. Small fish raced each other and gentle sounds of the flowing river danced into my ears. A smile painted onto my face after finding a small dry spot to rest on. I dipped my feet into the creek, not caring anymore if I got wet and got my clothing dirty. I felt at peace, resting my head onto the soft grass and listening to the soft sounds that nature produced.
And that was the last thing I remember.

I woke up, it was rather dark, but the moonlight made it a bit brighter. Crickets chirped, the creek continued to sing, most of the fish seemed to have found their beds except a small few who were still trying to find theirs, the grass had dried somewhat and my feet grew pruned due to I had fallen asleep for several hours. I lazily got up and found my shoes, struggling to find a way back, I groaned. "Shitbucket" was the only thing I could manage to say as looked for the dirt path I had followed. I finally stumbled into August, May and Junes house, where dinner invited me in and everyone's arms were opened to me, despite small grudges. Even if T. Rey manged to end up finding me, I would cherish these moments for as long as I could manage.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Favorite Fictional Hero.

My favorite fictional hero would have to be Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye by J.D.
Salinger. Holden is one of my absolute favorite, not only hero, but fictional characters. After being kicked out of Pencey Prep, his college prep school in Pennsylvania, Holden sets out to New York City. From there, Holden sets on not-so-adventures adventures and discovers many things about life and people.

Now, I know that every teenager who reads this book says, "Oh my Jebus! I'M HOLDEN CAULFIELD!" and I, am no exception, except maybe the female version. He is a strong, non b.s.-ing type of person; he sees the phony in everything and can be quick to call it out. As most, he is also a big of a teenager angst and wants to be on his own. As you read on, you either feel completely compelled and related to Holden or you feel completely disgusted by him. Holden discovers part of him and learns many valuable lessons in life that have helped me learn more about who I am.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

30 things you didnt know about me. ;P

1. I totally wanna marry John Cusack and Kat Von D. at the same time >:3
2. I would LOVE to destroy any and all cottage cheese. >:0
3. I am trying to learn Japanese.

4. Im the biggest anime and manga nerd ever since I was 5! (otaku!)
5. I
LOVE to read.
6. I want AT LEAST 3 more piercings
7. Horrible, disgusting, scary, gory movies are my absolute FAVORITE!
8. I am a lover, not a fighter but I will fight for the things that I love and believe in.
9. I say words like 'stoked', 'rad', 'dude', etc. but I do not use them for my writing.
10. I am always laughing and smiling.
11. My two best friends are pretty much complete opposites of each other.

12. Creepers and Doc Martens are my favorite types of shoes everrr.
13. I really dislike the police and police brutality.
14. I was born across the street from Disneyland :D
15. My biggest passion is photography, I want to have a career in it.
16. Going to shows (for me) is the greatest thing
17. I love to make kandi and wear it! (google it!)
18. I go to Comic Con every year!
19. I draw a lot, earlier this year I drew 24/7.. I think I need to start again.
20. The cold is my favorite type of weather!
21. Im addicted to patches! (the kind you sew, clearly.)
22. I like to alter things if I don't like them that much and make them appealing to myself.
23. English/"language arts" is my favorite subject.
24. I try to give and give back as much as I possibly can, but I sometimes fail
25. I DESPISE (serious) homophobia, sexism and racism. (I could care less about the jokes.)
26. I live to make people smile
27. I make weirdo photoshop things of random things.
28. I ALWAYS squeal/yell 'KAWAII!!' when I see something cute.
29. I make up lots and lots of nicknames for everyone!
30. I ADORE mini/chibi things!

P.S. That dude in the photos is my best friend, Parker and the guy in the background is my friend, Aaron. :3