Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. As her crisp golden eyes, splattered with blue sparkled like diamonds, she tucked a thin layer of aqua hair behind her right ear before she slowly began to speak. "H-hey! M-Mikey? Do you remember me..?" she stuttered, fidgeting with long, thin fingers. The boy looked up, his green eyes turned warm and a welcoming smile graced his soft skin as he jumped up, wrapping his arms around Angela. "ANGIE!" he cried out happily, nearly knocking both of them over. Angela's face went from a pale pink to beat red-- almost as if someone had dunked her head in a bucket of blood. A bitter-sweet smell of cigarettes and 'Old Spice' filled her as the sudden memory of the first time she'd seen him took over. The skies were different shades of gloomy gray, mixing with the clouds, water poured rapidly down from the air, bursts of air lifted Angela's faded green hair as she hugged herself walking down the empty sidewalks of Central Park, located in New York. After finding a small dry piece of pavement, she quickly rushed over, nearly throwing herself at it, in the processes, it seems she became blinded by this sudden rush and crashed smack into a boy. His eyes were soft and warm, consisting of green with hints of gray, tall and skinny with semi-short hair fell on his face. But, before she could even get a good look at him, everything went black. The next thing she remembered was lying on the dry spot, soaking wet and that boy-- Mikey, leaning over her and making sure she was fine. From then on, Angela knew she was in trouble. Coming back to reality, they unlinked their messy arms and got to eye level. Instead of beating around the bush, Mikey bombarded her with questions, Angela raced to find answers and catch up with an old friend-- the type you know you'll be in love with for the rest of your life, but could never admit it.
its great you wrote so much and i liked how descritive you were and the picture is really coolo i liked it alot! :)
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty epic. I think the part where you said that her face looked like it was dunked in a bucket of blood was the best part!
ReplyDeleteoh! wow! amazing work Genivieve! I love the way you described the Grey sky. great work!